BUREAU.ZIP The World's QSL Bureau addresses including direct addresses of USSR oblast bureaus.
FK8.ZIP FK8 DXpedition/QSL information 12/14 - 12/19/94
HW2QSL.ZIP How To Use The Incoming And Outgoing QSL B
INQSL.ZIP How to use the ARRL incoming QSL Bureau
PSQSL.ZIP Sorts Output Of Qsl Label Programs By Coun
QQSL55.ZIP QQSL(tm), Quick QSL - the Ultimate QSL label program for ham radio operators! Featuring great color, a user-friendly interface, full function menus, input entry forms, sort in "Callbook" order, log file imports, and MUCH Mullin - AA4M/6.
QSL-BURO.ZIP Text info for HAMs and SWLs about the incoming and outgoing QSL card Bureaus. How they work, how to use them, addresses, etc.
QSL20.ZIP QSL card label printer
QSLMNGRS.ZIP QSL Managers 04/93
QSLRTE.ZIP DX Qsl routes/shareware database by KB6AXK
QSL_BURO.ZIP Text info for hams & SWLs about bureaus
QSL_LABL.ZIP Make custom reports for QSL
TOTLHAM6.ZIP Newest total ham qsl, beam hegs dxcc etc.